Chemo or Counseling?

An acrid metallic taste often lingers in Dan’s mouth when he’s really stressed, and he’d been tasting it for weeks. 

Ever since his routine screening came back positive, he’d been putting off the budget. Dan already knew that the medical bills were going to reduce everything down to a suffocating minimum. 

Rent. Food. Chemo. 

It felt so unjust. 

Sometimes, alone in his apartment, Dan’s fearful rage would lash out in every direction: 

Why do I have to give up counseling in the middle of a crisis? 

Isn’t that when people need it most!?

If only I wasn’t so stubborn and started right after Margret died…

It took years for Dan to muster the strength to ask for help after his wife’s kayaking accident, and now it looked like healing would be stopped dead in its tracks.

As usual, Dan hesitated to ask for help. 

However, his counselor at Charis noticed his predicament and stepped in, introducing him to Charis’ donor-funded financial solutions. $42 is all it takes to keep someone like Dan in session.

In a few days, it was all taken care of. 

Dan knew that his therapist had his back. He never dreamed he’d have a whole community of faithful monthly supporters by his side. 

For Dan, it meant more than money; it proved he wasn't alone. During his time with us, he never missed a session.

Every $42 keeps someone like Dan in another session.


The stories of clients shared herein are composite representations created for illustrative purposes. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or deceased, or actual events is purely coincidental. These stories are crafted to highlight common experiences and themes and do not depict specific individuals or occurrences. We respect the confidentiality and privacy of all individuals and do not intend to disclose personal information through these narratives.


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