Charis Growth Supports Healing

Providing professional counseling accessible to everyone is the heartbeat of Charis. 

Our impact is growing. Every year, more people complete the healing journey they started. The effect is evident in the numbers and the stories of those we have helped. Here are a few highlights:

Expanding our Reach

For the past three years, we have supported 20% more people every year. For us, every percentage is a life that has the opportunity to grow and heal. This year, we are on track to exceed this, helping more people than ever before.

People are getting the help they need, and word is spreading. 

Last year alone, we conducted 3,600 counseling sessions. Notably, 68% of our clients received donor-funded financial assistance, which is about 150,000 in financial aid.

Overall, we've given over 2 million dollars.

We really mean it when we say that "We Heal Together!"

David's Breakthrough

These stats mean one thing: when people need help the most, they get it. 

"David's” story is a perfect example of the many people we've had the privilege of supporting.

Ever since they were old enough to get out of the toxic environment that was their Mother's house, David and Emily have shared an apartment together. Splitting all the expenses let them carve out a safe space to grow and begin to heal. 

Recently, he'd mustered the courage to begin addressing his childhood trauma. Emily had for years, and he saw the difference it made in her. 

Then Emily fell seriously ill. 

Tests and treatments were unbelievably expensive, and Emily could no longer work. David found himself using all his sick time and PTO to drive her to appointments while covering her portion of the rent and food. It just wasn't sustainable.

With no other family support, cutting therapy seemed like the only option. Right when he needed support the most, he had to actively walk away from it. There was just no way to pay for it all. 

Thankfully, he told his counselor.

Immediately, David was offered a scholarship to continue his weekly sessions. The scholarship didn't just provide therapy; it offered David a stable foundation in the chaos. Each week he had a place to process both his past trauma and present struggles, ultimately finding strength he didn't know he possessed.

Stories like David's are exactly why our growing impact and donor community matter so much. For our counselors and donors, it’s what makes all the sacrifice worth it. 

The stories of clients shared herein are composite representations created for illustrative purposes. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or deceased, or actual events is purely coincidental. These stories are crafted to highlight common experiences and themes and do not depict specific individuals or occurrences. We respect the confidentiality and privacy of all individuals and do not intend to disclose personal information through these narratives.


4 Commitments We Make to Your Healing Journey